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Why vote YES for the referendum

Preserving and expanding open space plays a very important role in enhancing the quality of life in Kane County

In today’s digital age it is more important than ever to provide forest preserves and outdoor recreational programs and places where children can play and be physically active. Forest preserves play a vital role in promoting the physical and mental health of our community. With land prices skyrocketing and the amount of natural lands dwindling, we must act now to preserve our last remaining open space for our children and our grandchildren before they are lost to development.

If approved by the voters, referendum funds will be used to:

The Forest Preserve District is a great investment.  An additional $2.50 a month for the average homeowner ($10 per year per $100,000 of home market value) is a small price to pay to preserve, protect, and maintain open space in Kane County.  The cost would decrease over the next three years as past bond issues are paid off - so that Forest Preserve District taxes would be even lower in 2027 than today, even if the referendum passes.

Instead of borrowing money to be repaid in the future, this referendum is "pay as you go" - funding improvements each year without future indebtedness.

The Forest Preserve District will continue to be fully transparent. There will be full public disclosure of how the funds are spent.